Tradition, culture and gastronomy walk hand in hand in Madrid’s centennial restaurants. Some of the restaurants, taverns, cafes and taverns of the capital pile up nothing less than two centuries of history. Fortunately, more than ten remain standing thanks to the determination and effort of their owners.
13 centenary restaurants in Madrid that you should know
Centenarian restaurants have been a mute witness of historical events. Today they stand proudly as a sign of Madrid’s history. We invite you to know them, since they represent yet another attractive to your visit to Madrid, especially if you are a lover of good cuisine.
Let’s start a trip to the past. We can assure that it will be … yummy!
Which are the centenarian restaurants in Madrid?
12 properties make up the list of centennial restaurants in Madrid, one as beautiful as the other. Its facades and walls exude history on all four sides. Such is its worthiness that an association that ensures their survival, the RCM, was created.
#1 Botín (Cuchilleros street, next to Plaza Mayor)
Almost 300 years of history are gathered by the Botín restaurant. Not in vain, it is qualified as the oldest restaurant in the world in the Guinness Book of Records. You may even have read about it in treasures of literature like «Fortunata y Jacinta» by Benito Pérez Galdós.
Undoubtedly, this property must lead the list of centenarian restaurants that you should visit when traveling to Madrid. The quality of their stews is a real show to the palate. A good example of this are the many acknowledgments it has received throughout its lifetime.
#2 Café Gijón (paseo de Recoletos, 21)
Artists, journalists and writers found at Café Gijón an ideal meeting place to discuss and debate the political, economic and cultural facts of their time. This centenarian restaurant in Madrid opened its doors in 1888 through the initiative of an Asturian.
Since then, it has never failed to serve its clients. You may find curious to know that it serves as a venue for the «Café Gijón» annual novel awards ceremony .
#3 Casa Alberto (Huertas Street, 18)
This century old Tavern, considered by some as a sanctuary of the gastronomy of the capital is located in the heart of the «Barrio de las Letras». Its furniture back to Madrid at the beginning of the 19th century. Tradition has it that this building Cervantes wrote his well-known work «Journey to Parnassus».
In your kitchen you can enjoy traditional dishes such as a callus or a cod to Madrid. However, there is space for more forward-looking succulence that will delight your palate.
#4 La Casa del Abuelo (Victoria Street, 12)
Preserving all the flavor of long ago, «La casa del Abuelo» continues offering to persons from Madrid and tourists big days of tapeo. If you visit the place don´t go away without tasting the delicious and famous Grilled prawns or with garlic. They are his speciality and embroider it.
#5 Malacatín (Ruda Street, 5)
More than 120 years of life it accumulates to his backs this centenary tavern of Madrid. The quality of his kitchen and his good service they have cost him a reputation that well deserves.
It continues entertaining his retainers with rich plates full of tradition and caress as the tripes to the of Madrid one or the famous stew. They say the bad languages that nobody could have finished the stew of Madrid ever. Do you encourage to challenge the proverb?
#6 Posada de la Villa (Cava Baja Street, 9)
In the 17th century, Madrid just was possessing a flour mill. For then, it transformed in the first inn on the Court. Up to there were coming the travelers who stop in Madrid to take something to eat and have a place to rest.
Thanks to the labor of the innkeeper Félix Colomo, the inn was rescued about 1980. Today it serves delicious food and has been rewarded by multiple recognitions.
#7 Taberna Antonio Sánchez (Mesón de Paredes Street, 13)
This tavern was born in 1786 and his history is related to the world of the bulls. The decoration of the establishment remains almost inaltered, only for it your visit deserves. Peoples as illustrious as Sorolla or Pío Baroja have happened for his tables.
#8 Casa Ciriaco (Mayor Street, 84)
Este almacén de vinos nació a finales del siglo XIX y fue en 1929 cuando evolucionó hacia la tasca que continúa viva hoy en día. El edificio de este restaurante centenario de Madrid cobró fama porque desde allí se atentó contra el monarca Alfonso XIII el día de su enlace.
La pepitoria de gallina acompañada de un chato de vino es uno de los manjares más tradicionales que puedes catar allí.
This store of wines was born at the end of the 19th century and was in 1929 when it progressed towards like a bar that continues live nowadays. The building of this centenary restaurant of Madrid received reputation because from there one committed an outrage against the monarch Alfonso XIII the day of his wedding.
The hodgepodge of hen accompanied of a small glass of wine of wine is one of the most traditional delicacies at that you can look there.
#9 Casa Pedro (Nuestra Sª de Valverde Street, 119)
The most pure food of Madrid receives life in this incomparable centenary restaurant. It began his gait when scarcely it began to stripe the 18th century being a point of meeting of muleteers and ranchers. With the passage of time it has managed to raise as one of the establishments with more crossbeam of the capital.
The 3 centenary restaurants of Madrid near Gran Via
If you’re passing through Madrid and staying at our hostel Vitium boutique, located in the heart of Gran Via, may want to know these century-old restaurants. If this is the case, then, we show you the next 3.
#10 Casa Labra (Tetuán Street, 12)
Its outside moved you to Madrid in the 19th century. Their cod croquettes have been worshiped by the locals over several generations.
#11 Lhardy (Carrera de San Jerónimo, 8)
From the hand of this centenary establishment it came to Madrid the high kitchen proceeding from Europe does more than 175 years. The elegance receives importance in each of three original lounges of the restaurant. Undoubtedly, you need to know this centenary restaurant with capital letters.
#12 Bodega de la Ardosa (Colón Street, 13)
It was born as a chain of warehouses, but nowadays it has been crowned as one of the taverns with more solitary lids of the capital. You will be able to taste an immense variety of beers.
Leave you to go for the pleasure of the good table in someone of these centenary restaurants of Madrid. If you decide to prove them, we encourage you to that you share with us your experience in the comments.