When is LGTBI Pride 2022 in Madrid?
Madrid is not only an important cultural and tourist destination in the world, but it is also recognized for being an open, peaceful and welcoming city, making it one of the busiest LGTBIQA+ destinations in the world. The Pride festivities are a meeting point for thousands of people, starting at the beginning of July with the 28th of June being the international Pride day which will be celebrated in a big way after two years of Covid-19 issues. In this annual pride festival you will find different stages throughout the streets of the city with the typical colors of the collective flag, where you can also appreciate art in its different expressions such as dance, painting, plastic arts and other shows such as free concerts in different squares such as Plaza Callao and Plaza España.
In this blog we will tell you about activities and the most important dates that you can find during ten days in Madrid to discuss, celebrate and give visibility to the collective.
What activities can I find in Madrid at Pride 2022?
– Friday 1 July: Chueca’s Pride
This is a neighbourhood considered as a reference for the LGTBI movement worldwide, where the trend towards visibility started. On this day you can find various events and acts in bars and other venues in Chueca.
– Wednesday 6 July: Pride Proclamation
This event is the kick-off event for Pride week, where the starting signal is given for the different acts celebrating Pride. If you want to join the celebration you should go to Plaza de Pedro Zerolo where it will start with the reading of the proclamation.
– Thursday 7 July: heel race
This traditional heel race is a festive sporting event that will take place in Pelayo Street. You will see the different contestants run, who have two essential requirements to take part: they must be in make-up and wear heels up to 15 centimetres high for the entire course.
– Friday 8 July: 15th edition of Mr. Gay Pride Spain
Mr. Gay Pride is the most important national gay contest in the country, where you will be able to see the different participants representing the different autonomous communities. This event will end with a great concert where you can sing and have fun with international artists.
– Saturday 9 July: State demonstration
The demonstration will take place, where you will walk through the main streets of Madrid. You will meet the arrival of floats where you will be able to interact with other attendees and enjoy the music during the day.
– Sunday 10 July: Closing of Pride 2022
This day will mark the closing of MADO where it will be the last event in Madrid.
Where to stay during LGTBI Pride 2022 in Madrid?
If you are visiting Madrid during LGTBI Pride, you have many options for accommodation. We suggest the city center as one of the best choices as it is where the main events such as the LGTBI Pride demonstrations and concerts will take place. If you are looking for an avant-garde space close to cultural activities, leisure and entertainment, we recommend you to go to Vitium as it has affordable prices and offers quality accommodation. The hotel is located in Gran Vía, one of the most famous and well-known streets in Madrid, where you will have public transport just a few steps away so you can easily get around by metro, buses or taxis. Finally, if you already have almost the whole trip planned and you only need the accommodation, the hotel offers you a 10% discount if you book twenty days in advance for Pride.
LGTBI Pride 2022 Madrid
The 9th of July is the date that will start this demonstration which is considered the central event of LGTBI Pride as it is the largest activist and vindictive event in the world held in Madrid, where many people of the collective will gather, as LGTBI activists from different parts of Spain, where they will march through the streets in order to make visible and vindicate diversity. They will walk through the main streets of the city, starting at Plaza de Atocha to Plaza Colon. There will be more than 50 different floats during the duration of the demonstration and it is expected that more than 2 million people will attend the event, where freedom and the promotion of human rights will be expressed. We hope to be able to count on you during the first weeks of July so that you can enjoy the different events in the capital of Madrid.